Sabado, 18 de Mayo de 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: NILS mobility project

Third call

Third call for applications







The MUNCH Extraordinary Chair is created in the frame of the "Improving student, researchers and artists mobility and cooperation between Spain, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein", which aims to strengthen academic and research relations between the last three countries and Spain. 


The Munch Extraordinary Chair will promote the temporary incorporation of high level artists and art researchers from Spain into research groups in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, and from institutions in these countries into Spanish organizations.  During their stay they will collaborate with the local research groups pertaining to the field of Arts. The Chair aims to contribute to launch new research lines in collaboration with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein as well as to strengthen the existing ones.


More specifically, at institutional level, we expect this Chair to produce lasting results, such as:

-         increased cooperation in post-degree studies coordinated in Spain on one side, and by research institutions in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein on the other,

-         enhanced network cooperation among Spanish institutions, and researchers in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.


I.1. Object


1.      This call regulates the conditions of application for the second available Munch Extraordinary Chair Grants.

2.      The available budget for this first call is 218.692 euros. This amount may be increased in case of funds remaining from other calls.


I.2 Beneficiaries


High level post-degree students, artists and art researchers in research institutions and universities in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Spain, who are active in any field of any Arts. Exceptionally, artists not linked to any institution, if their international relevance and CV justify it.


I.3. Duration and conditions of stays


1.      Stays will last up to 6 months long.

2.      Stays must start not earlier than May 1, 2010 and not later than February 1, 2011. (Note 22/02/2010: Stays must finish not later than March 30, 2011).

3.      These grants do not establish any contractual relationship of the beneficiary and the host centre.

4.      Much Standard Grant: grantees will perceive between 4.500 and 6.500 Euro grant per month, depending on the interest of the proposal, qualification and experience. This amount will be subject to corresponding taxes on the revenue. For Double Tax Agreements to be taken into account, grantees must provide an official certificate of tax residence issued by public authorities of the origin country whose agreement is to be applied. Awarded visitors will receive up to 2.500 euro as a contribution to travel and settlement expenses, depending on the number of grants allocated. Evidence of travel (air ticket, etc.) is required.  Stays shorter than 1 month shall be granted with maximum 1800 euro per week, travel and settlement costs included in this amount.

5.      Munch Junior Grant: grantees will perceive 3.595 Euro grant per month, during up to 6 months, plus up to 2.500 Euro as a fixed amount for travel and settlement. Study visits shorter than 1 month shall be granted with maximum 1120 euro per week, inclusive of travel and settlement costs.

6.      For Double Tax Agreements to be taken into account, grantees must provide an official certificate of tax residence issued by public authorities of the origin country whose agreement is to be applied.


I.4. Compatibility


1.      Grants are compatible with salaries perceived by applicants from a research centre in eligible countries. In the case of UCM researchers, part of their salary might be considered as partial funding of the Grant.

2.      Grants are not compatible with any other funding for the same purpose and period.


I.5.  Management 


1.      Managing, hearing and communicating about the call will be done through the project Abel-Munch Monitoring Committee. According to the terms of the Grant, the composition of this Committee is as follows:  Research Vice-Dean of Facultad de Matemáticas in UCM, Research Vice-Dean of Facultad de Bellas Artes in UCM, Project Manager.

2.      Decision making about the granting will be in charge of the project Steering Committee. According to the terms of the Grant, the composition of this Committee is as follows: A representative of UCM Department of Research and Scientific Policy, a representative of UCM Department of International Relations, Dean of Facultad de Matemáticas in UCM, Dean of Facultad de Bellas Artes in UCM (or their representatives).


I.6. Requirements on involved research centres


1.      Research centres will abide by all terms of the Munch Extraordinary Chair and of the EEA-EFTA Grants regulations.

2.      Hosting research centres will provide logistic support required for research activities to be carried by granted visitors.

3.      For non UCM visitors, their host or sending Spanish institutions will provide 15% financing of the total cost of the researcher Grant, including monthly living allowance and the travel allowance.


I.7. Grant acceptance


1.      Awarded applicants and host institutions will sign an agreement with UCM in which all conditions, responsibilities, procedures and communication requirements will be included. Such agreement should in particular contain detailed information about the following topics:

  • Aim of the agreement: a) General: that of the project. b) Specific goals: those included in the activities program presented by the awarded applicant in his/her application.
  • Expected results: courses, exhibitions, articles, conferences or others.
  • Economic management: amounts to be funded by each part, time schedule for payments, payment modalities.
  • Commencement and expiring dates.


2.      Any change in the accepted conditions of the grant must be authorized by Abel-Munch Monitoring Committee.


The following requirements are expected from candidates


1.      To submit a proposal describing the activities to be performed in one or more host centres during the proposed period of stay, as well as a CV. For evaluation purposes, applicants might be required to provide additional details on their proposals within 10 days of being required for that purpose. Failure to comply may result in being discarded from the call.


2.      Upon approved of the proposal, they should fulfil the activities programme proposed. Grantees are expected to give lectures on their own research topics and are encouraged to participate in postgraduate training by means of courses, seminars and other activities.


3.      To stay at the host centre during the period of the grant. Any change in dates must be previously approved by the Abel-Munch Monitoring Committee.


4.      During the last month of the stay, granted visitors will report on the activities carried out during the grant; exhibitions performed or forecasted; articles or other publications made or prepared during that time; research programmes or projects started; new contacts made; participation in meetings; forecast of future research activities, etc. A specific form will be provided to awarded visitors for this reporting. This applies to researchers granted in the frame of stays longer than a month.


In case of illness or in case of maternity/adoption during the period of the grant, the grantee will be allowed to ask for a deferral of the grant period equivalent and corresponding to the period of interruption. Such deferral will need the approval of the Abel - Munch Monitoring Committee. A deferral will not result in an increase of the awarded grant.


5.      Acceptation of the grant implies abiding by all rules of the call. Failure to comply with them may result in partial or total reimbursement of the amounts already perceived as well as in losing the right to perceive the remaining funds.


I.8. Deadline


Period for presenting applications starts on January 1, 2010 and finishes on February 28, 2010.


I.9. Reviewing and Decision


The Abel-Munch Monitoring Committee shall arrange for the evaluation of applications, including administrative compliance, eligibility and quality assessment. It will also be responsible for submitting a list of proposals to be approved by the Steering Committee. Results of evaluation will be communicated personally to applicants. The latter Committee shall inform applicants whose proposals are rejected about the reasons for that decision. Applicants whose application is rejected due to non-compliance with administrative or eligibility criteria can request the Intermediary to review its decision. The applicant shall submit such a request within 10 days from being notified about the rejection and shall provide reasons for why the decision should be overturned.



Decisions about granting will be taken in a maximum delay of 30 days after the application deadline.


Evaluation criteria will pay attention to the following issues:


  • Quality of the activities programme proposal.
  • Scientific / Artistic record of the applicant (s).
  • Feasibility and sustainability of the proposal.


The list of approved grant applications will be published on the website of the project. Detailed information will be provided to other universities and research centres involved in order to allow them to include this information in their own websites.


Grant beneficiaries should properly acknowledge support from the EEA Grants and UCM in the resulting publications.


I.10. Applicable rules


  1. EEA-EFTA Grants rules (see
  2. Those stated in this call.
  3. Agreements signed with granted researchers and involved research centres.
  4. National rules in Spain, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein where applicable.


I.11. Grant payment


A grant period starts on the day a researcher arrives at the host centre. Grant payments will be made by UCM directly to the researcher, on a monthly basis.


I.11. Application formalities


Applications must be submitted to Universidad Complutense de Madrid, both by regular mail and by e-mail, at the following addresses:




Regular mail:

IMI - Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar

Abel-Munch Monitoring Committee

Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas

Plaza de las Ciencias, 3 Despacho 250A

28040 Madrid - Spain


Any application should include the following documents:


Document 1.  Application form.

Document 2.  Copy of the passport or identity card of the applicant.  It must contain at least the information required in the proposed standard CV.

Document 3.  Curriculum Vitae of the applicant.

Document 4.  Formal declaration signed by the responsible representative of their institution, endorsing the application and committing themselves to respect all terms of the Grant in case of approval of the application.

Document 5. Letter(s) of interest from the host institution(s) and written commitment of the institution to provide office room and other facilities for the applicant.


Applicants will receive them upon request made to

Applications can be filed from January 1, 2010 until February 28, 2010. Applications received outside this period will not be considered.



Doc 1 - Application Form word
Doc 1 - Application Form pdf
Doc 3 - Curriculum Vitae word
Doc 3 - Curriculum Vitae pdf
Doc 4 - Formal declaration (NIL home institution) pdf
Doc 4 - Formal declaration (NIL home institution) word
Doc 4 - Formal declaration (Sp home institution) pdf
Doc 4 - Formal declaration (Sp home institution) word
Doc 5 - Letter of interest (NIL host institution) pdf
Doc 5 - Letter of interest (NIL host institution) word
Doc 5 - Letter of interest (Sp host institution) pdf
Doc 5 - Letter of interest (Sp host institution) word
Munch Extraordinary Chair - Third call


NILS mobility project
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas - Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar
Tel. +34913944385